Novel in Progress – In the Dust of Elephants
A long time ago in a small Asian village, a young man grows up with the sister he believes to be his twin. She falls ill when they are thirteen with a condition resistant to traditional medical treatment. Relying on an ancient myth that promises the healing power of an elephant’s tusk, he embarks on a journey that he hopes will save her life.

Short stories

Lemon Trees
Kenyon Review Online

A Girl in a Country Song
Saturday Evening Post
Great American Fiction Anthology

For Fear of Losing

Beads Against the Glass
Five South

When Saturn and Jupiter Meet in the Middle
Five South
reprinted in Fractured Lit

So Much in Between
Janus Literary

Crack the Spine

Hashtag_Am Writing
online at the Kenyon Review

Stonecoast Review, Issue 11 (summer 2019)

The Sky Falls Down
Hong Kong Review, Vol 1 No 1

The Gift
LIARS LEAGUE NYC – text and recording


The Unexpected Souvenir part 1 online at My Name is Not Bob

The Unexpected Souvenir
part 2 online at My Name is Not Bob

Believing We Have a Story To Tell online at Writer Unboxed

I’ve Got a Secret online at Writer Unboxed

You’ve Got Mail in print in the Forced 2 Fly 2 anthology

Tuesdays With Morrie Book Review in print in Your Teen


Ribbons, The Hong Kong Review